Less is sometimes more. Against overtreatment and incorrect treatment in medicine
In Switzerland, too, treatments and examinations are carried out that do not bring any added value to the patients. The non-profit organisation smarter medicine pursues the goal of ensuring that medical measures are only used if they actually provide a benefit. To achieve this, the association promotes discussion and research on the issue as well as providing free information material.
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Interested in becoming a partner or patron?
In the fight against overuse and misuse in medicine, we rely on a strong network of partners and patrons.
> Our partners (German)
> Information for medical associations, hospitals and other stakeholders (German)
> Information for patrons (German)

Swiss Association of Professional Organisations in Health Care (svbg)

Foundation for Consumer Protection

Fédération Romande des Consommateurs (FRC)

Associazione Consumatrici e Consumatori della Svizzera Italiana (acsi)